It’s An Attitude Thing

As unique and characteristic as their individual powers may be, every superhero – from Wolverine to Green Lantern — shares a certain attitude, a credo that focuses and fires their desire to achieve three things:
- To make the world a better place, now and in the future
- To use ingenious thinking to create new bold new solutions for the industry.
- To persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles in pursuit of something extraordinary!
At Plexxis, this is our attitude too: We are future focused. We are innovative. And we are relentless in our pursuit of the extraordinary.
Our people may not leap off buildings or breathe under water, but they do possess what we call that “superhero attitude. It underscores everything we are and manifests everywhere across our organization… from the vision of our leaders to the passion and fortitude of our newest interns.
For us, a superhero attitude impacts how we develop our employees, how we grow our business, how we serve clients, and a great deal more. Spidey senses tingling – we see the future — and lead onwards and upwards to create a better, more exciting, and prosperous tomorrow for all.
Making the world a better place for our people, clients, and industry.
In the Marvel universe, Cyclops emits powerful beams of energy from his eyes, and can only control the beams with the aid of special eyewear. This optic power makes him one of the superheroes with the strongest, clearest vision of what he wants to achieve.
Seeing into the future — and creating it — is a superpower Plexxis also possesses.
“Ultimately when you start a company, you realize, well, wait a minute, I’m devoting a lot of my time into this new baby. “What you’re really doing is you’re trying to create a future for yourself and others,” says Chris Loranger Plexxis president and CEO.
“We take a long-term view to ensure not just an exciting present, but a great future for our people.
When we hire individuals to join our team, a salary with benefits is just the tip of the iceberg of all we provide. We help them grow, professionally and personally. We take care of their families. We take care of their education. We take care of their future.”
Plexxis may not have super optic power, but its leaders are far-sighted in their approach to hiring people. As Loranger says:
“I think gone are the days where you can simply rely on an education or job history. What means more to us is finding individuals who are able to stick out a job for four or five years demonstrating true social loyalty to the people in that company. We find the best people are the ones not looking to jump jobs. They’re looking to find a home where they can find long-term happiness working with really good people.”
Using ingenious thinking in pursuit of a holistic new solution.
Like Iron Man who breathes innovation, creativity, and ingenuity, Plexxis constantly pushes the limits of technology for the greater good of all.
Seeing the future for the construction software industry – and seizing it — is another way we manifest our inner superhero.
Plexxis is busy blazing a trail to that future with a beautiful new west coast facility. It will be a collaboration hub – an open concept and inspirational working space designed to function as an incubator for red hot innovation. No virtual or hybrid working model. The Plexxis attitude is to keep people collaborating together in person to foster outstanding outcomes, along with personal and career growth.
BC facility: a new second innovation hub
This new BC coastal center is designed to help foster positivity, health and happiness within our exceptional culture of performance. It’s central location is an easy a 5–10-minute commute from home for most employees. Less time in traffic, more time and energy for innovation.
“Most modern companies look at quarterly profits. They want to keep growing the companies that have venture capitalists investing into them. Those that short-term quarterly growth targets in our opinion, is what destroys companies so growth and how we see it is we want to be a 100-hundred-year company that is growing in a manner that builds better people and better lives within Plexxis.” says Chad Pearson, Director, Business Development
There are many shortcuts to failure, it has been famously said, but there are no shortcuts to true success.
For this reason, Plexxis takes a long-term view and strives to build the right software product, not the fastest one. Our vision is to go the extra length to create one holistic solution that can encompass the whole industry.
Everything is interconnected.
Another secret to our supersonic innovation? A unified and coordinated team effort where everyone works in synchronicity. As a result of our collaboration model, we are on target to deliver something unique in the marketplace: an all-in-one solution.
“Everything is interconnected, maybe in other companies, you wouldn’t talk to the mobile team or the development team or the other little products, but every change you make in our system goes across to every platform that we have. Every team is involved across the board, says Jonathan Locke, manager of client services.
As a result, there’s really no main one competitor for our company. it’s multiple companies working together to do what we’re doing. We take care of everything for clients… and that’s a pretty unique thing.”
Overcoming obstacles in pursuit of the exceptional
The Green Lantern’s ring endows its bearer with the power to materialize anything he can imagine. So too, Plexxis is ready to create the extraordinary, no matter what obstacles may lay in its path. To achieve this, we’re continuing to build the most basic of superhero requirements: The right culture to grow, excel, overcome… and constantly surprise.
Spoiler Alert! the Plexxis culture is not for everyone. It is high octane and laced with fierce challenges along the way. But opportunity awaits those with the fire in their belly to overcome them.
“I love to work here. Plexxis is home — it’s family for me now — but that does not mean it’s not challenging working here. This is a place where, when times are challenging, we all come together, says Farrah Merchant, programming coordinator.
“It’s all hands-on deck and it’s not forced. It’s where people want to get things done because there’s a need and we have to be there to meet it.
I have given Plexxis so much and when I look back, I have received so much back from them.”
Plexxis’ culture of “extraordinary” includes an uber-personalized approach to the needs of each and every client that we serve. The Spiderman dexterity to adapt in a flash to client demands presents valuable growth opportunities.
“Every new client that we bring on presents its own challenges — different ways for us to improve ourselves and expand our knowledge of the system and software itself,” says resource manager Fiona Locke.
“It’s a learning opportunity… and what you do for one person doesn’t always work as a solution for the other. It doesn’t mean that what you learned before doesn’t apply. Rather, everything that we do helps us with the next client.”
Ultimately, Plexxis tests the true mettle of its people – and allows them a special opportunity to stretch and shine. It coaxes out the superhero in everyone.
Do you possess a super-hero attitude that would be a great fit at Plexxis?
We would love to hear from you.
Submit your resume and let the adventure begin.
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