One all-in-one super app that eliminates integration gaps.
End app-fatigue and integration frustrations caused by using multiple, disparate apps. Plexxis has combined all app functions into one, while fully automating the transfer and translation of data.
The Plexxis Foreman Super App enables live feedback between bidding, field and finance while automating workflows for T&M ticket/EWAs, man hour/ day & material breakouts, purchase orders, daily reporting, custom forms, tools & equipment, RFIs, submittals, job docs, photos & notes and file sharing.
Our fully integrated construction app delivers online and offline modes ensuring all tasks can be completed, irrespective of internet connection. For maximum flexibility and convenience, use your iPad, iPhone, Android device or Windows device to access the Plexxis Foremen App.
Common Barrier: The large majority of construction apps are designed with workflow limitations or were made for GCs - consequently possessing insufficient integrations for specialty subcontractors. Having to use 4-10 mobile apps has led to app fatigue, inefficiencies, and frustration.
We break the barrier with a single, unified construction app for specialty subcontractors. Combining field workflows and coupling with operations and accounting, enables the field to perform their best without interruption.

Plexxis Construction App for Foreman
Solve communication challenges between the field and the office. Foremen can submit material requests, track production, review employee performance history, generate custom reports, and more using an iPad, iPhone, android device or Windows device. The field has easy access to the information they require when they need it, and the office has confidence in the reliability of figures and facts from the field.
Plexxis Construction App for Foreman
Solve communication challenges between the field and the office. Foremen can submit material requests, track production, review employee performance history, generate custom reports, and more using an iPad, iPhone, android device or Windows device. The field has easy access to the information they require when they need it, and the office has confidence in the reliability of figures and facts from the field.
Always have up to date information related to submittals, drawings, change orders etc.
View and approve change orders and identify scope and budget.
Quickly and easily review job labor and material budget and compare to actual spend on job.
Eliminate necessity to carry around paper copies of job documents in a folder. All information entered in the ERP system is synced with the Foremen App (with certain limitations).
Easily access all daily field reports that have been submitted from current location.
Eliminate necessity to resend information if new Foreman/Supervisor takes over and has access to job through the App.
Easily upload daily job site progress photos to job info screen on App which is directly connected to the job center of the ERP.
Quickly and easily access Request for information (RFI) submitted by Foremen through the App.
Ensure secure and accurate job information that can be customized to fit the security level of each Foremen out on the field.
Quickly view all PO jobs and related details of the PO's that are sent out to the vendors.
Easily record delivery tickets, notes or photos against P.O. items that have been delivered.
Submit material requests to office, specifying items and quantity, dimension and the area of the job where the item is going to be used.
Build material request over the course of the day or days, compiling required materials to be sent to Purchasing.
Enable user to make material requests based on items that have already been budgeted by the Estimator for that job.
Avoid losses incurred when errors are made on P.O.s as entire process is streamlined and simplified.
Use filters on timesheet verification screen to group time entered by the Foremen, subsection and activity code. View exactly what work was performed and identify mis-coded time or if time assigned to the incorrect location.
Enable Purchasing to review and convert material requests into P.O.s simply and easily - further accelerating process of creating P.O.s.
Reduce warehouse space requirements for job returns that are often the result of incorrect items being ordered to job site.
Record extra work requests directly in Foremen App, including scope of work, estimated labor and material to submit to the office.
Ability to convert existing extra work request into extra work completion form and provide details and attach photos of the work completed.
Enables Foremen to request GC signature approving work has been completed prior to submitting work completion ticket.
Take photos and mark them up prior to attaching to the ticket.
Quickly and easily access GC contact (prior to submitting work request) to review information, approve and confirm scope and details are correctly represented.
Enable office to access work ticket without a waiting period as all EWA's are created directly on the Foremen App out on the field.
Easily convert tickets into contracts, without requiring any additional changes. The conversion process will pull in all of the information that was entered on the ticket, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and time efficiency.
Eliminate Project Manager and Service department having issues with clients disputing the tickets as all EWA forms are signed by GC contact.
Ensure full visibility of extra work completed in the field and be confident that the work is billed promptly.
Eliminate necessity to handle multiple documents required to be completed and submitted daily or weekly to office. All documents are stored in one place using the App.
Easily access all previously submitted forms - helpful to new Foremen for retrieval of historical information.
Easily access any completed form on the App - avoiding necessity to request a copy from office.
Easily convert data in forms to Excel using Plexxis query functions. Sort and filter data from the field and quickly identify trends.
Adjust and/or add new questions to custom forms. All changes automatically updated on tablets.
Eliminate requirement for Admin to print and send monthly or weekly distribution of forms to Foremen.
Quickly update status of the job completion percent based on cost codes using the Foremen App.
Utilize the percent completed column in the Job Progress chart to create a simplified progress estimation for the Office. Each entry will directly correlate with an Activity/Subsection that can be used in cost projections.
Enter percent completion based on the expense type. For example, this assists Foremen in stating how much labor has been completed prior to switching over to material.
Easily access any information entered or found in the Job Progress Chart, eliminating the requirement to conduct on-site visits to receive progress confirmation.
Access two data sources to analyse job completion: (1) production quantity from Foremen when worker hours are recorded and (2) Supervisor's completion percentage.
Automatically direct percent completion into cost projection screen - providing full completion status on work performed on job site and enabling more accurate cost projection.
Enable immediate access to employee contact information in case of emergency.
Maintain and easily access information on employee experience and certificates - contributing to more effective task assignment.
Enables quick access to information via the App rather than having to reach out to the Payroll department.
Add notes to employee profile and maintain all historical information from all sources (current and past Supervisors and Foremen).
Eliminate necessity for Payroll to look up information about employees on behalf of Foremen.
Ensures HR possesses has access to all required back-up provided by Supervisors/Foremen, prior to releasing employees.