Build Teams, Create Products: Avengers Assemble… to do and be more.

How Plexxis’ mightiest heroes band together to create unbeatable products.

Every successful business has its special superheroes. These are the people who get things done, make great things happen and who inspire and support others around them.

At Plexxis, we are proud of our superstars… but no-one here is an island unto themselves. Like the “Avengers Assemble” movies, we bring together the best of the best into eclectic and unstoppable teams. Our people may not come from other planets, but each has undeniable gifts and personal talents that bring formidable power to the team as a whole.

Build Teams, Create Products: Avengers Assemble

And that allows us to push our own limits, innovate wildly – and create some of the most exciting software in our sector.

As a new avenger joining forces together with us, you may not at first know that much about your peers. You likely won’t understand yet how you best complement others’ strengths and weaknesses. Over time, however you come to learn who the best person is for each challenge, how to best apply your unique strengths – and the shining, invaluable role you play as part of the whole.

Iron man might have genius level intellect, but where would he be without Captain Marvel’s strength, Black Panther’s speed and Black Widow’s espionage abilities? Together – with Wolverine, Groot, Scarlett Witch and a few more — they are invincible!

That’s kind of what it’s like that at Plexxis.

A team that’s “got your back”

“Well, alone we can do so little together, says Mike Stephens our Client Care – Leader.

Inspiration to succeed

Support is one thing, but our team environment offers more than that. To our Solutions Specialist, Elizabeth Barton, that avengers assemble model means not only does she feel supported – but also energized and driven by an amazing group of peers.

“I feel like I am part of a really solid set of friends,” she says. “People I have come to have relationships with and who are very strong together. I feel like I’m pumped to get up every single morning and go into the office.”

“It’s never something I dread. It’s something that I gain a tremendous amount of personal fulfillment from doing. That gives me a purpose in my life. It brings me a lot of happiness.”

No weak links

Another benefit of a strong team environment is accountability. Being motivated to do and be more. As Kyle Porter, our Full Stack JavaScript Developer describes, everyone has to pull their socks and be their best to drive success.

Keeping the wheels rolling

Unfailing dedication to one another is another characteristic of Plexxis’ team-oriented environment. It’s not about you, it’s about the success of your peers: 

“One of the things I really like about this team is how everyone comes together quickly, willing to immediately just drop what they’re doing and help out to make sure things go smoothly,” says Mike Stade, Infrastructure Specialist.

“If they’re not going smooth, that gets righted very quickly. That’s one of the things that I see here:  a very caring team and a very dedicated team.”

Meaningful relationships

So yes, being part of the Plexxis team is an opportunity to do and be more together. But ultimately there is a very human element. For Mary Rivera, Accounts Receivable, that sense of personal fulfillment she derives from working at Plexxis is the real deal maker:

There are so many reasons our avengers assemble model makes Plexxis an exciting and desirable place to work.

Ultimately, we are driven by a simple but powerful mission: to build teams and create products. Amazing teams…and pretty kickass products, by the way.

Got what it takes… and interested in joining the Plexxis team?

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